Sabato 9 gennaio – Concerti PUNK-HC

  • Gennaio 5, 2016 09:00

NUKE CREW presents…

Abbiamo pensato bene, a distanza di pochi giorni dalle feste del “buon umore” di regalarvi questa perla per ristabilire l’ equilibrio fisico e mentale del “post-Natale” ! -666-

Dalle ore 20,00:

HIEROPHANT-deathpunk from Italy –
Hierophant, formed in 2010, exponents for the Italian extreme music. After their first album, S/T, they never stopped playing all over Europe. In 2013 the band signed with one of the most important american labels that have marked the history of hardcore/punk, Bridge Nine Records and released their first album with them called ‘Great Mother : Holy Monster’, taking a step toward more extreme sonority. After several tours and festivals around Europe, the band started writing their new full-length ‘Peste’, published last November 2014.
Medias praised the latter work, the sonority of the band are even more extreme than the previous and their live activities absolutely don’t stop. The band is touring Europe at the time, it’s been confirmed to some European summer festivals and soon will land in the US and South East Asia.

– HOBOS Metal da strada – Venezia
ZEIT Hardcore, Metal, Punk da Venezia
CAVE Punk-HC da Bologna
GRUMO Grindcore da Modena
Evolved Death Metal da Belluno
Cruel Face of Life Hardcore da Bologna

A scanso di equivoci, NON sono ben accette queste categorie di “persone”:
-sessisti di qualsiasi genere
Grazie dell’attenzione

***Il Circolo Iqbal Masih è raggiungibile con BUS 11c (ferm. LAPIDARI) o con il 27 (ferm. RONCAGLIO); alla stessa fermata del 27, RONCAGLIO, passa il bus notturno 62.***